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FCC to Abandon Net Neutrality?

May 3, 2010

WASHINGTON – According to <a href="">an article in the Washington Post</a>, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski is “leaning toward” a decision not to “reclassify” broadband to re-establish FCC authority over the nation’s Internet service providers.

Press Release

FCC Leaves the Internet Unprotected: 21 Days and Counting...

April 27, 2010

WASHINGTON – Three weeks after a federal appeals court put the Federal Communications Commission’s ability to safeguard Internet users in jeopardy, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski continues to dodge questions about what course his agency will take to ensure Network Neutrality and to achieve the critical goals of the National Broadband Plan.

Press Release

Free Press Urges FCC to Move Ahead with Rules to Protect the Internet

April 26, 2010

WASHINGTON -- Today marks the closing of the official public comment cycle in the Federal Communications Commission's open Internet proceeding. Free Press will file reply comments today with the FCC, urging the agency to move forward with its plans to promote innovation and investment online by preserving the free and open Internet.

Press Release

Free Press: Industry-Funded Study on Net Neutrality and Jobs 'Deeply Flawed'

April 23, 2010

WASHINGTON -- Free Press responded to the findings of an industry-funded “study” conducted by Coleman Bazelon and paid for by the Mobile Future, a coalition which includes AT&T, various chambers of commerce, and other opponents of de facto Network Neutrality rules. <strong>S. Derek Turner</strong>, Free Press research director, issued the following statement:

Press Release

Verizon Brags About Plan to Cut Thousands More Jobs

April 23, 2010

WASHINGTON – This week, on Verizon’s quarterly earnings conference call, Chief Financial Officer John F. Killian announced plans to cut tens of thousands more jobs at the company: "I mentioned on previous calls the last couple of years we’ve reduced our wireline work force by about 13,000 per year, and I said we would do the same this year.

Press Release
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