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FCC Must Act While Congress Deliberates

June 18, 2010

WASHINGTON – The House and Senate Commerce Committees announced today that they intend to hold a series of stakeholder meetings on communications policy issues, including the Federal Communications Commission's authority over broadband. In response, Free Press Policy Counsel <strong>Aparna Sridhar</strong> made the following statement:

Press Release

Rep. Joe Barton Stands with the ‘Small People’ at BP, Comcast and AT&T

June 17, 2010

WASHINGTON -- In a letter today, Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas), along with Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.), requested hearings on the “legal validity and policy consequences” of the Federal Communications Commission’s efforts to restore its own authority over broadband providers. Rep. Barton claimed the effort will hinder the free market and threaten investment, jobs and broadband deployment.

Press Release

Free Press: AT&T Has No Credibility on Investment

June 15, 2010

WASHINGTON – AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson said today that if the Federal Communications Commission moves forward with its “third way” proposal to restore its oversight of broadband services, the company may cut back spending on its U-Verse home television and Internet service.

Press Release

CableCard Improvement Is Test Run to Overhaul Set-Top Box Market

June 15, 2010

WASHINGTON – Free Press filed comments on Monday supporting the Federal Communications Commission’s proposed changes to improve CableCARD rules for TV set-top boxes. In 1996, Congress ordered the FCC to implement rules to allow third-party devices like TiVo access to cable video streams, in order to compete in the set-top box market.

Press Release

Data Roaming Rules Will Spur Competition in Wireless Broadband

June 14, 2010

<p>WASHINGTON – In an effort to increase competition in the wireless broadband market, the Federal Communications Commission is proposing rules that will require wireless carriers to negotiate data roaming agreements with their competitors on reasonable terms. Free Press encourages the FCC’s actions and filed supportive comments in the Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking today. <p>

Press Release

Free Press: FCC Plan Is Not About Regulating the Internet

June 9, 2010

WASHINGTON – In a House Appropriations Committee hearing Wednesday, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski was questioned about the agency's authority over broadband, and it was suggested that the FCC wait for Congress to pass a law outlining its oversight powers.

Press Release
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