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Senate Passes Broadband Stimulus

February 10, 2009

WASHINGTON -- The Senate passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan, legislation that allocates $7 billion toward broadband stimulus. Like the House version passed late last month, the Senate bill places important openness conditions on new broadband networks to be built with public dollars.

Press Release Town Hall Series Coming to North Carolina

February 4, 2009

WASHINGTON -- -- a national initiative of groups that are working to bring the benefits of a fast, affordable and open Internet connection to everyone in America -- will hold its second town hall meeting on March 7 in Durham, N.C.

Press Release

Free Press Wary of Internet Caps

February 4, 2009

WASHINGTON -- According to news reports, two cable companies, Time Warner and Charter Communications, are expected to implement new plans to cap customers' Internet use.

Press Release

Congress Promotes Open Networks in Broadband Stimulus

January 28, 2009

WASHINGTON -- Today, the House passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan, legislation that places important speed and openness conditions on new broadband networks to be built with billions in public dollars.

Press Release

Free Press Concerned with Cox's New Internet Practices

January 27, 2009

WASHINGTON -- Cox Communications, the nation's third-largest cable company, today announced that in February it will begin testing new network management practices that degrade traffic the company deems not "time sensitive."

Press Release

FCC Is in Good Hands with Copps

January 22, 2009

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama today designated Federal Communications Commissioner Michael Copps as acting chair of the agency.

Press Release

FCC Questions Comcast's Treatment of Voice Competitors

January 19, 2009

WASHINGTON -- The Federal Communications Commission is investigating concerns that Comcast's new network management practices degrade the sound quality of competing voice services but leave the company's own Digital Voice service unaffected.

Press Release

Free Press Welcomes News of Next FCC Chair

January 12, 2009

WASHINGTON -- According to news reports, President-elect Barack Obama will appoint Julius Genachowski as chair of the Federal Communications Commission.

Press Release
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