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Broadcasting Lobbyists Try to Squash Affordable Internet Access

September 11, 2007

WASHINGTON -- The National Association of Broadcasters has announced its intention to derail efforts to use valuable but unused broadcast airwaves -- known as 'white spaces' -- for unlicensed, wireless broadband. Free Press Policy Director Ben Scott issued the following statement:

Press Release

FCC to Address Media Diversity at Chicago Hearing

September 5, 2007

CHICAGO -- The Federal Communications Commission will hold its fifth official media ownership hearing on Sept. 20 at the Rainbow PUSH Coalition headquarters on Chicago's South Side. The hearing will offer Chicago residents a rare opportunity to voice concerns to all five FCC commissioners about the nation's lack of diverse media owners.

Press Release

Thousands Support Local Radio

September 5, 2007

WASHINGTON -- Thousands of concerned citizens are urging the Federal Communications Commission to limit the number of new radio licenses one group can obtain when the agency makes them available this fall. In October, the FCC is opening a rare window for community and nonprofit organizations to build their own full-power, noncommercial radio stations across the country.

Press Release

Momentum Builds for Low Power FM Radio

August 24, 2007

WASHINGTON -- On Capitol Hill, in the media and across the country, support continues to grow for Low Power FM (LPFM) radio. A bill now pending in Congress would create thousands more community stations offering uniquely local news, views and music programming.

Press Release

Minneapolis to Host 2008 National Conference for Media Reform

August 17, 2007

WASHINGTON -- Free Press, the national, nonpartisan media reform group, today announced that the fourth National Conference for Media Reform will be held on June 6-8, 2008, in Minneapolis. Thousands of activists, artists, policymakers, journalists and concerned citizens from all 50 states are expected to attend the conference -- the only national event devoted exclusively to reforming the media.

Press Release

FCC Brings Media Ownership Debate to the Windy City

August 9, 2007

CHICAGO -- On Sept. 20, all five Federal Communications Commissioners will meet face-to-face with the public at a hearing in Chicago to discuss sweeping changes to the nation's media ownership rules.

Press Release

Media Policy Becomes a Presidential Campaign Issue

August 8, 2007

WASHINGTON -- Presidential candidates are pushing media reform into the public spotlight and onto the campaign trail with recent statements calling for a more open and democratic media system.

Press Release

FCC Stifles Public Debate on Media Ownership

August 2, 2007

WASHINGTON -- The Federal Communications Commission yesterday asked for public comment on a series of proposals on minority media ownership -- after nearly a year of inaction on the issue. In the landmark 2004 Prometheus decision, the FCC was ordered to address minority ownership proposals as part of its review of media ownership rules.

Press Release

Consumer Groups Blast FCC's Biased Research

July 30, 2007

WASHINGTON -- Consumer groups blasted the Federal Communications Commission today for releasing biased research favoring further media consolidation. In a new report, the Consumer Federation of America, Consumers Union and Free Press show how the FCC designed a series of studies -- released today -- to favor lifting the longstanding ban on newspaper-broadcast cross-ownership.

Press Release

Spectrum Auction Won't Bring Needed Broadband Competition

July 30, 2007

WASHINGTON -- The Federal Communications Commission today set the rules governing the auction of the highly valued 700 MHz band of spectrum. The FCC will require the auction winner to use a chunk of the airwaves to build a network where consumers can attach any mobile device and use any application.

Press Release
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