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Big Turnout Against Big Media in Seattle

November 10, 2007

SEATTLE -- The Federal Communications Commission got an earful Friday at a packed media ownership hearing in Seattle. Although the public was given just five business days' notice, more than 1,100 concerned citizens crowded into Seattle's Town Hall to oppose new rules that would allow big companies to swallow up more local media.

Press Release

Senate Takes a Stand on Media Ownership

November 8, 2007

WASHINGTON -- At a Senate Commerce Committee hearing today, Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.) and Sen. Trent Lott (R-Miss.) announced plans to introduce legislation that would halt the Federal Communications Commission's rush to gut longstanding media ownership rules.

Press Release

Seattle Hearing Is a Charade

November 2, 2007

The following statement can be attributed to Josh Silver, executive director of Free Press: "On late Friday afternoon, Chairman Kevin Martin announced the last so-called public hearing on media ownership for just one week from today -- next Friday in Seattle.

Press Release

FCC Pressed to Stop Comcast's Internet Blocking

November 1, 2007

WASHINGTON -- Responding to Comcast's blocking of Internet traffic, members of the Coalition and Internet scholars at the nation's top law schools today filed a petition and complaint with the Federal Communications Commission. The filings call for urgent action to stop violations of consumers' right to access the software and content of their choice.

Press Release

Testimony at FCC Hearing Blasts Flawed FCC Research

October 31, 2007

WASHINGTON -- More than 250 people packed the hearing room at Federal Communications Commission on Wednesday to voice their opposition to media consolidation. Testimony from members of the <a href=""> Coalition</a> challenged the FCC's rush toward relaxing media ownership rules. <b>

Press Release

House Committee Approves 'Broadband Census of America Act'

October 30, 2007

WASHINGTON -- Free Press applauded the House Energy and Commerce Committee today for approving the "Broadband Census of America Act" (HR 3919), legislation that will improve the measurement of the availability, speed and value of U.S. broadband. Ben Scott, policy director of Free Press, issued the following statement:

Press Release

Public Rally for Better Media

October 31, 2007

WASHINGTON -- Citizens concerned about media consolidation will rally outside of Federal Communications Commission headquarters before the agency's hearing on localism on Wednesday, Oct. 31. The rally will take place: Wednesday, Oct. 31 9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Federal Communications Commission Headquarters 445 12th Street, SW Washington, D.C.

Press Release

More Local Radio One Step Closer to Reality

October 30, 2007

WASHINGTON -- Free Press praised the Senate Commerce Committee today for advancing the bipartisan Local Community Radio Act (S.1675). Co-sponsored by Sens. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.), this critical legislation could help bring hundreds of local, Low Power FM (LPFM) radio stations to cities and suburbs across the country.

Press Release
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