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  • Free & Open Internet

    Free Press Calls for Swift FCC Action to Protect Internet Users

    August 13, 2010

    WASHINGTON -- In reply comments filed yesterday with the Federal Communications Commission, Free Press debunked industry arguments against the agency's proposal to re-establish a legal framework that allows it to set broadband policy.

  • Free & Open Internet

    Internet Users Take Protest Against Verizon Pact to Google HQ

    August 12, 2010

    SAN FRANCISCO -- With public backlash growing against the pact between Google and Verizon that threatens the free and open Internet experience, Internet users from across the Bay Area will converge outside Google headquarters on Friday, Aug. 13, to protest the pact and urge the search-engine giant to live up to its corporate motto: “Don’t Be Evil.”

  • Free & Open Internet

    300,000 Call on Google: Don’t Sell Out the Open Internet

    August 9, 2010

    WASHINGTON – Free Press, Civic Action, CREDO Action, the Progressive Campaign Change Committee and today delivered petitions on behalf of more than 300,000 people challenging Google to stand by its “don’t be evil” motto and to call off a deal with Verizon that would jeopardize the future of the open Internet.

  • Free & Open Internet

    Free Press Urges Policymakers to Reject Google-Verizon Pact

    August 9, 2010

    WASHINGTON – In response to today’s announcement by Google and Verizon that the two companies had established a joint policy proposal for the open Internet, Free Press Political Adviser <strong>Joel Kelsey</strong> issued the following statement:

  • Free & Open Internet

    Google-Verizon Pact Worse than Feared

    August 9, 2010

    WASHINGTON -- In response to Google and Verizon’s “policy framework” unveiled today, MoveOn.Org Civic Action, Credo Action, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, and Free Press, all members of the Coalition, issued the following joint statement:

  • Free & Open Internet

    Google Protests Too Much

    August 6, 2010

    WASHINGTON — Internet giant Google is trying to deflect criticism of an agreement the company is reportedly striking with Verizon that could transform the way the open Internet works. On Thursday, the <em>New York Times</em> reported that the deal would allow "Verizon to speed some online content to Internet users more quickly if the content's creators are willing to pay for the privilege."

  • Media Accountability
    Free & Open Internet

    FCC Calls Off Closed-Door Meetings Under Public Pressure

    August 5, 2010

    WASHINGTON — FCC Chief of Staff Edward Lazarus called off closed-door negotiations with major ISPs and Internet companies on Thursday, pledging “to seek broad input on this vital issue.” The announcement comes in the wake of news that Verizon and Google are hatching plans to abandon open Internet protections.

  • Free & Open Internet

    Reported Verizon-Google Deal Means FCC Must Act to Set Public Interest Policy

    August 4, 2010

    WASHINGTON – Reports today indicate that a deal between Verizon and Google on Internet traffic management is forthcoming, and could be announced as early as Monday. According to Bloomberg News, the companies have agreed to abandon Net Neutrality protections on the mobile Internet. It remains unclear what the terms are for wired services.

  • Media Control

    Free Press Echoes Boucher Worries of Impact of Comcast-NBC Merger

    August 2, 2010

    WASHINGTON -- Today, Rep. Rick Boucher (D-Va.), chairman of the House Subcommittee on Communications, Technology and the Internet, sent letters expressing his concerns about the adverse effects of the proposed Comcast-NBC Universal merger on competition and consumers to Assistant Attorney General Christine Varney and Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski.