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  • Comcast-NBC Merger: Just Say No

    December 3, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- In response to the Comcast-NBC merger announcement this morning, Free Press and the Consumer Federation of America released a new analysis showing why the deal poses a major threat to video competition that would seriously harm the public interest.

  • Waxman on the Future of News: ‘This Is a Policy Issue’

    December 2, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- In a speech at the Federal Trade Commission on Wednesday, Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), the chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, identified policy priorities to support the future of news. "This is a policy issue," said Waxman of the current state of journalism. "Government is going to have to be involved in one way or another."

  • Free Press: Comcast-NBC Mega-Merger Must Be Stopped

    November 30, 2009

    WASHINGTON — On Monday, GE reportedly reached an agreement to buy out Vivendi's share of NBC Universal. The deal would clear the way for Comcast to take a controlling stake in NBCU and open the door to a new era of media consolidation that reaches across content creation and distribution, giving one company enormous power over TV and Internet content.

  • Free Press Urges New York City Council to Support Open Internet

    November 20, 2009

    NEW YORK -- Testifying before the New York City Council today, Free Press delivered signatures from more than 4,000 New Yorkers calling for strong open Internet rules. The City Council is considering a resolution (712A-2007) urging the federal government to protect Net Neutrality.

  • Low Power FM Radio Advances in Senate

    November 19, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- The Senate Commerce Committee voted unanimously on Thursday to pass the Local Community Radio Act (S. 592), legislation that would open the public airwaves to hundreds of new Low Power FM (LPFM) radio stations in communities across the country.

  • Free Press and Share Ideas with the FTC on the Future of Journalism

    November 9, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- On Friday, Free Press, and thousands of citizens filed comments with the Federal Trade Commission on policy ideas to improve the future of journalism in America. In December, the FTC will hold a series of high-profile workshops on journalism and the news in our digital economy; the agency sought public input to shape the event.

  • Free Press Welcomes Progress on Net Neutrality

    October 22, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- The Federal Communications Commission has approved a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Network Neutrality policies that would preserve the open Internet on all wired and wireless networks.

  • Canada Embraces Net Neutrality

    October 21, 2009

    The Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission today released a rigorous Network Neutrality framework designed to scrutinize all discriminatory practices by Internet service providers.