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  • Canada Embraces Net Neutrality

    October 21, 2009

    The Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission today released a rigorous Network Neutrality framework designed to scrutinize all discriminatory practices by Internet service providers.

  • Free Press Debunks Claims about Net Neutrality and Investment

    October 21, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- A <a href="">new report</a> by Free Press provides overwhelming evidence, despite the claims of companies like AT&T, that Network Neutrality will not harm network investment.

  • Free Press Praises Plan for Reconstructing American Journalism

    October 19, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- Free Press welcomes the release of <em>The Reconstruction of American Journalism</em>, a new report from Columbia University’s School of Journalism by Leonard Downie, Jr., former executive editor of <em>The Washington Post</em>, and Michael Schudson, professor of journalism at Columbia.

  • Low Power Radio Advances in Congress

    October 15, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- The House Committee on Energy and Commerce voted unanimously on Thursday to pass the Local Community Radio Act (HR 1147). The legislation, introduced by Reps. Mike Doyle (D-Penn.) and Lee Terry (R-Neb.), would open the public airwaves to hundreds of new Low Power FM radio stations in communities across the country.

  • Free Press: Berkman Study Shows Need for Better Broadband Policies

    October 15, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- A new study by Harvard University’s Berkman Center for Internet & Society examines broadband systems and practices throughout the world and finds that the United States is only "a middle-of-the-pack performer." The report shows that open access policies abandoned by the United States have been a successful catalyst in other leading nations for developing more competitive broadband markets.

  • Consumers to Telecom Industry: Tell Us the Truth

    October 14, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- Six public interest organizations filed comments with the Federal Communications Commission on Tuesday encouraging the agency to protect consumers from misleading, confusing and harmful advertising and billing practices by phone, cable and wireless providers.

  • Free Press: Comcast/NBC Universal Merger Bad for the Public Interest

    October 13, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- According to news reports, Comcast may soon move one step closer toward taking a controlling interest in NBC Universal. Shareholders of Vivendi, which owns 20 percent of NBC Universal, are expected to meet on Wednesday to consider selling their stake in the company.

  • Congress Takes Action on Low Power Radio

    October 8, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- Today, the House Subcommittee on Communications, Technology, and the Internet voted to pass The Local Community Radio Act (HR 1147). The legislation, introduced by Reps. Mike Doyle (D-Penn.) and Lee Terry (R-Neb.), would allow for hundreds of new Low Power FM (LPFM) radio stations in communities across the country.

  • Free Press: Public Missing from FCC Broadband Workshops

    October 8, 2009

    WASHINGTON – Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski and Commissioner Meredith Attwell Baker will attend a hearing Thursday morning in San Diego to help shape the agency’s national broadband plan. The public event, which is focused on “the transformational change that is resulting from the confluence of mobility and broadband,” was announced less than 48 hours before its scheduled start time.