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  • Free Press Summit: Changing Media May 14 in D.C.

    May 8, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- The <em>Free Press Summit: Changing Media</em> on May 14 in Washington, D.C., will feature keynote speeches by Acting Federal Communications Commission Chairman <strong>Michael Copps</strong>, <strong>Vivian Schiller</strong>, president and CEO of National Public Radio, and <strong>Susan Crawford</strong> of President Barack Obama's National Economic Council.

  • Cablevision Plan Puts an End to Bandwidth Bogeyman

    April 28, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- Cablevision has announced plans to offer download speeds of 101Mbps and upload speeds of 15Mbps beginning May 11. According to news reports, the New York-based cable company will not impose usage caps or overage fees on this new service.

  • Free Press Testifies on Dangers of Deep Packet Inspection

    April 23, 2009

    <p class="body">WASHINGTON -- Free Press Policy Director <strong>Ben Scott</strong> will testify before Congress today about the dangers of "deep packet inspection," a technology that allows Internet service providers to spy on and control online content.

  • Free Press Urges Congress to Investigate Internet Pricing Schemes

    April 22, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- Free Press has called for an investigation into controversial pricing schemes from Internet service providers like Time Warner Cable, AT&T and wireless carriers <a href="">in a letter</a> to the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

  • Free Press Calls for National Journalism Strategy at House Hearing

    April 21, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- Free Press Policy Director <strong>Ben Scott</strong> will call for a national journalism strategy to address the problems in the newspaper industry and promote a vibrant news marketplace at a hearing before the House Subcommittee on Courts and Competition Policy.

  • Free Press Summit: Changing Media in D.C. on May 14

    April 15, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- The <em>Free Press Summit: Changing Media</em> on May 14 in Washington, D.C., will feature keynote speeches by Acting Federal Communications Commission Chairman <strong>Michael Copps</strong> and <strong>Susan Crawford</strong> of President Barack Obama's National Economic Council.

  • Free Press Debates the Cable Lobby on Internet Penalties

    April 15, 2009

    <b>By Ben Scott, Policy Director, Free Press</b> We wanted to take this opportunity presented by our <a href="">friends</a> at the National Cable and Telecommunications Association to give more details about our position on Time Warner Cable’s new Internet pricing model.

  • Free Press Welcomes National Broadband Plan Launch

    April 8, 2009

    WASHINGTON -- The Federal Communications Commission launched its "national broadband plan" to bring high-speed Internet to all Americans. The FCC must develop this comprehensive strategy for Congress by Feb. 17, 2010, as part of the $7.2 billion broadband stimulus portion of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act.